Bhagwan Gopinath – Saint of Early 20th Century Kashmir in India

kashmiri saint

Born in the city of Srinagar, Kashmir, Bhagwan Gopinath walked the spiritual path with the Bhagvad Gita as his guide. Giving up on vices like lust and ego and embracing virtues like morality and integrity, he went on to become a saint who is held in high regard by his devotees.


Bhagwan Gopinath was born Gopinath Bhan on July 3, 1898, in a Kashmiri Hindu family of Bhans. His family was spiritually inclined. His father ran a business of cashmere wool while also practicing spirituality. His maternal grandfather was a disciple of a local saint. One of his aunts practiced Japa Yoga and in her later years, became a saint. Scriptures like Yoga Vasistha were discussed in his family. Swami Vivekanand is said to have visited their place, during his visit to Kashmir. 

Since the age of 10, young Gopinath stayed in different places. He took education in Tyndale Biscoe School, a local Christian missionary school. It was probably during his school years that he learned Persian, Urdu, and Sanskrit and scripts like Sharda and Devnagri.


He is known to have worked with his uncle in the cashmere wool business, for some time he worked in a Printing Press and for 10 long years, he ran a grocery store. However, since an early age, he was dedicated to spirituality. As a child, he could recite many Hindu hymns and even the Bhagvad Gita, which later became his spiritual guru. He spent a lot of time meditating and visited many local saints where they discussed philosophy and spiritualism.

Bhagwan Gopinath: One of the Greatest Saints of 20th Century

Gopinath Ji remained unmarried and devoted his life to spirituality and social reform. Initially, he practiced ‘sanatana panchang upasana’ (worshipping 4 deities and one’s spiritual master). After the age of 25, he is said to have started ‘nirguna upasana‘ (meditation on God without a form).

At the age of around 33, Swami Gopinath is said to have taken great measures of self-control. He used to sit for hours or even days in a dark room with just a burning lamp without food and without meeting anyone. During this time, he may have practiced ‘pranabhasya’. After this phase, he came to be known as a ‘siddha purusha’.

In the later years of his life, Bhagwan Gopinath Ji is said to have gained control over the fire and water elements. According to his followers, he performed many miracles during this time and solved his devotees’ problems. Some of his miracles include blessing couples with children, curing diseases, and mindreading. He is believed to have helped save Jammu and Kashmir in the wars against Pakistan in 1947 and 1965 and in the war against China in 1962.

May 28, 1968 marked the death of Bhagwan Gopinath. He is believed to have gone into a state of meditative trance (samadhi). His last words were ‘ Om Namah Shivaya’.

This relatively lesser-known Indian saint did not aim for creating a sect, he did not change his outward appearance to look like a saint and amass followers. This Karmayogi of Kashmir worked with a mission to establish equality, banish sufferings, and give spiritual guidance. He never discriminated against people based on religion. Bhagwan Gopinath was free of worldly desires, had gained mastery over his senses and attained self-realization. He is known as a ‘jivanmukta’ (liberated soul), and his spiritual state has been called ‘Shambhavi avastha’ (state of Shiva).

Bhagwan Gopinath’s biography titled ‘Bhagwan Gopinath Ji Ek Vilakshan Sant – Jiwan Aur Sandesh’ (meaning ‘Bhagwan Gopinath Ji, an extraordinary saint – Life and Message) was published in 2007. There are temples of this sage, in Jammu, Delhi, and Srinagar and an ashram in Pune. Here Bhagwan Gopinath ji’s aartis and bhajans are sung and played by his devotees. A marble statue of his stands at the Srinagar Ashram and Bhagwan Gopinath Ji Trust has been founded to look after the working of this ashram. With passing time, the number of his devotees has increased. His followers are spread across the country; they call him a savior of mankind. His journey from being Gopinath Bhan to becoming Bhagwan Gopinath Ji is interesting and inspiring. This great Indian saint of the 20th century will be remembered for his teachings.

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