Huzaib Bin Farooq: An Aspiring Sketch and Calligraphy Artist from Central Kashmir

calligraphy artist from Kashmir

A teenager from Srinagar in Central Kashmir, who started pursuing art from an early age of 6, is a child prodigy who dreams to achieve fame and success through his work in the field of art. Here’s the true story of this young boy whose name is Huzaib Bin Farooq.

Huzaib Bin Farooq, the son of Farooq Ahmad, lives in Habba Kadal in Srinagar. This talented boy studies in grade 7, is aged 12 and what sets him apart from other kids his age, is his skill in art.

Since the age of 6, he started pursuing sketching as a hobby. He used to spend his free time in creating art. Since he was appreciated for this talent, he continued with this hobby and started posting his sketches on social media, mainly Instagram. He soon became an Instagram sensation and got a good following on social media.

Huzaib says that he gives 2-3 hours daily to artistic pursuits. After studying through the day, creating art gives him great joy and makes him feel fresh. He creates sketches every day, creates stencil art, caricatures and doodles, and is equally fond of calligraphy. Whenever he gets an opportunity or finds time, he learns about art. For Huzaib, art is everything.

Once while speaking to Kashmir Scroll, a digital news publication, Huzaib said that he takes more interest in stencil art, as it is different from other arts. According to Huzaib, stencil art is different because, in this art, a design is created when a pigment is applied to a surface under an object with designed gaps due to which the pigment can reach only some parts of the surface. 

During the interview with Scroll, Huzaib further stated that he received support from everyone, and it was because of his parents and followers that he gained success. He said that he has received love and encouragement from his followers, due to which he is famous today. He also said that he wants to spread joy and that his life’s dream is to become an artist.

Huzaib’s advice to the youth is that they should not waste time in bad things and should not hide their talent. They should take up creative pursuits and showcase their talent through social media. According to him, if youngsters spend time pursuing something good, they can surely achieve their goal in life. Huzaib maintains that one should pursue what one loves, as it helps relieve stress and enhances one’s mental well-being.

Huzaib Bin Farooq’s aim is to improve his skills in art and become a better version of himself. This young calligrapher from Kashmir has been recognized on social media platforms; the Facebook page Kashmiri_youth_official has promoted his work. The news media has given him coverage and his following on the web is growing over time.

Talented children and youngsters like Huzaib Bin Farooq, if provided with an environment conducive to improve their skills and if encouraged in the right way, will be recognized internationally and make their country proud. Huzaib Bin Farooq, an aspiring sketch and calligraphy artist from Central Kashmir, is an example of a young talent with great potential to be world famous.

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