Mehvish Mushtaq – First Women App Developer of Kashmir

women app developer of Kashmir

Some people aspire to be the first to do something. They are ambitious and dare to embark on roads less walked and set an example. Mehvish Mushtaq, addressed as the first women app developer of Kashmir, is one such innovative soul who represents technological progress across the valley. She is young, qualified, and intelligent enough to understand the significance of harnessing technology to improve lives.

In 2013, Mehvish, who was only 23, developed an Android app ‘Dial Kashmir,’ a virtual yellow page directory that provides contacts of essential services in Kashmir. She did so, as she was aware of how challenging it is to find contact numbers in the valley. So, the app enables you to find contact numbers and email IDs of various government departments and many private service providers. Over the years, it has proved helpful for many.

Mehvish’s Background

Mehvish holds a BE in Computer Science from the SSM College of Engineering and Technology in the Pattan area of Baramulla. She is the youngest member of the family of four. Her father is a retired Indian Forest Service officer, and her mother is a homemaker. Mehvish has been passionate about technology since her childhood and always wanted to do something for her motherland.

Inspiration behind the App

They say necessity is the mother of invention. And that precisely drove the development of Dial Kashmir. Finding the contact details of any essential service in Kashmir was a genuine challenge before the app came in. People had to run from pillar to post only to connect with a particular department or service provider.

This happened with one of her family members (cousin) as well, wherein she had to connect with the cousin’s school for something important but couldn’t find the required contact details.

These challenges made Mehvish contemplate, and her love for technology showed her the way. She pursued an online course in Android application development, wherein students were required to develop an application independently. As part of that project, she developed an app that made finding contacts easy and quick without struggling for them. It took a couple of weeks for Mehvish to create the first version of the application.

Challenges While Developing the App

With the urge to transform come challenges, and Mehvish too had her share of challenges while developing the application. The most significant and obvious ones were to find numbers and details of various essential services she intended to upload in the application. In some instances, she found the official website non-operational, while in some others, there was no contact number mentioned. However, Mehvish managed to create the app and upload important contacts in the application despite these challenges.

Core Services of the App

The core service of the application is information. As mentioned earlier, the app comprises a directory feature that provides phone numbers, email IDs, and physical addresses of several essential and commercial services. Users can also use a feature such as Find Pin Code, Muslim Prayers, Railway Timings, List of Holidays, etc.

One of the Success Moments of the App

Many people have found the application useful. In one instance, an animal had died in a particular neighborhood, and the residents could connect with the municipal authorities through the app.

Awards Won by Mehvish

  • Mehvish has been the recipient of several awards that include,
  • Femina Women’s Awards (Online Influencer) — 2014
  • Space Communications Award — 2014
  • ALL Grassroots Women Achievers Award — 2014
  • The Sunday Standard Devi Awards Delhi — 2016
  • Nari Shakti Puraskar – 2017

(Source –

Transformation through Technology

Kashmir is transforming, and people like Mehvish Mushtaq are contributing to the transformation by leveraging technology. She has undoubtedly established an example for other girls and women across the valley. Mehvish’s success encourages the youth from Kashmir to think differently and work towards the betterment of their motherland. We hope to see many visionaries like Mehvish emerging in the future.

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