Roohi Sultana School Teacher from Kashmir Received National Award

Kashmirs Education

Teaching children in an entertaining manner makes learning fun and effective. Children learn better when they have teachers who leverage entertainment appropriately and make education more meaningful. 50-year-old Roohi Sultana is one such exceptional teacher who believes in the play-way method of learning. Last year on Teachers’ Day, she was among 47 to receive the National Teachers Award from President Ram Nath Kovind through the virtual medium. Here’s a brief article that explores Sultana’s work and how it is inspirational for teachers.

About Roohi Sultana

Sultana belongs to the Nowshera vicinity of Srinagar. She holds a master’s degree in the Urdu and Kashmiri languages. Additionally, she has a Bachelor of Education, a degree in calligraphy, and a diploma in inclusive education from the Bhoj University in MP. Sultana took up teaching in 2008. She considers her students as her inspiration and feels elated when they are around. She is currently posted at Government Primary School, Danger Pora, Talibal Srinagar, and works as a content creator with the Board of School Education, Kashmir.

Sultana’s Innovative Teaching Methodology

Sultana’s teaching methodology involves the play-way method that teaches students in an innovative and fun way. She believes, integrating entertainment into learning paves the way to holistic development. It fosters emotional development, something necessary, alongside developing hard skills required to excel in every profession. The methodology wherein playing serves as the driving force; learning is activity-based. It encourages expression and, at the same time, helps children develop creative skills.

Sultana empathizes with children from low-income family backgrounds. She is well aware of the challenges they encounter while procuring essential learning material. As a result, she believes in a “low cost-no cost” method for students. A significant number of her students come from the low-income households of the Gujjar and Bakarwal communities across Jammu and Kashmir.

The innovative teacher from the valley of Jammu and Kashmir has faith in the power of art-integrated learning. It involves kids in learning and makes it more effective, thus serving the purpose of education. She terms herself a mere facilitator. However, working as one delights her when she sees creativity shaping up through teaching. The learning setup also isn’t conventional. She sits with her students on the floor, thus fostering equality.

Learning through Waste Material

Play-way isn’t the only methodology that Sultana leverages. She reportedly collects waste materials such as sawdust, plastic covers, and tea leaves from various shops and uses them to teach her kids. Interestingly, she enjoys the process and isn’t ashamed to do it. What matters to her is the result that makes a positive difference.

According to her, the used plastic covers of wheat flour can be used to write for practice. Similarly, she writes nouns and meanings of words on plastic bottles. Additionally, to enhance vocabulary, she writes words on toffee wrappers and lets kids arrange them. Moreover, she creates shapes and letters from sawdust and dried tea leaves.

Roohi Sultana – A True Inspiration for Teachers

Teachers not only teach but shape the generation. Their role isn’t limited to enhancing literacy but bolstering holistic emotional and social development that helps make children better and sensitive human beings.

Accordingly, Sultana proves an inspiration for existing and aspiring teachers. In the age where the cost of education has skyrocketed, teachers like Sultana are striving hard to simplify access to education, let it penetrate every stratum of society, and contribute their bit to the country’s bright future.

Every teacher who looks forward to making a difference in society must look up to Sultana as a role model. Her relentless efforts, coupled with her urge to make it happen, are indicators of selfless service.

About the National Teachers Awards

The Ministry of Education presents these awards every year to acknowledge and encourage teachers’ exceptional and meritorious contributions from various corners of the country. The ministry selects awardees after a stringent three-stage online transparent process. Accordingly, it chose Sultana, thus acknowledging her efforts to include children with special needs so that they aren’t deprived of the benefits of education.

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