Top 10 Industrial Estates in Jammu and Kashmir

industrial estates in Jammu and Kashmir

The industrial horizon of Kashmir comprises manufacturing units that manufacture agro-based products, cement, silk textiles, papier mache, forest-based products, carpet-making and woolen textiles. Moreover, the production of cricket bats and soaps and food processing also form a part of Kashmir’s industrial spectrum.

In December 2019, the government reportedly identified over 57,000 acres of land to establish industrial estates across J&K. Such initiatives can potentially help prosper Kashmir as an industrial destination. But transforming them into reality may take some time, considering the many other social and political concerns of J&K that the government has to deal with.

Nevertheless, over the years, the region has developed many existing noteworthy industrial estates. Let’s look at ten such industrial estates in Jammu and Kashmir.

10 Industrial Estates in Jammu and Kashmir

The list is a random one that attempts to cover the industrial estates across various districts in Kashmir. The area measurement unit used across every estate is kanal. It is a commonly used unit in northern India. One kanal is equivalent to 505.857 square meters.

  1. Industrial Estate, Zakura, Srinagar

Zakura is an industrial area in Srinagar. It covers a total area of 128 kanals. The estate has a total of 60 plots that cover a total area of 88.67 kanals. The industrial area has 40 functional units and 17 non-functional units. Some of the industrial units at Zakura include those involved in textile production, silk manufacturing, handicrafts and companies engaged in steel works.

  1. IID Centre Battal-Ballian, Udhampur

The industrial estate of Udhampur covers a total land area of 1051 kanals. The industrial area is divided into two phases – Phase I and Phase II. The total number of units in Phase I are 120, while those in Phase II are 40. The number of functional units in Phase I and Phase II are 52 and 14 respectively. Industries in this industrial area include those engaged in feed manufacturing, cement manufacturing and many others.

  1. Industrial Estate, Gangyal

The total area of the Gangyal industrial area is 988 kanals. Its development is divided in three phases – Phase I, Phase II and Phase III with areas 288 kanals, 300 kanals and 400 kanals respectively. Gangyal has 336 units, out of which 219 are functional, 59 are closed and 62 are under revival. The types of units across this industrial estate include steel rolling mills, steel fabrication, bakery item manufacturing, ice cream, furniture, soft drinks, walnuts, aluminum utensils, cricket bats, ready garments and many others.

  1. Industrial Estate Kathua

Kathua’s industrial estate is spread across an area of 522 kanals. It includes 403 kanals under plots and 119 kanals under roads and utilities. The estate has 71 functional units and 24 nonfunctional ones. The units in Kathua’s industrial estate revolve around cement manufacturing, food item production, auto electrical parts, laundry soaps, pillows, paper production, plastic water storage tank manufacturing and others.

  1. Industrial Estate, Birpur

The industrial estate in Birpur, Jammu sprawls across 306 kanals, out of which 249 kanals are included under plots and 57 kanals are covered by roads and utilities. Birpur’s industrial estate has 159 units. Out of those 159 units, 117 are functional, 21 are closed/ sick and 21 are under revival or expansion. Birpur is home to many units that manufacture biscuits, mineral water, confectionery, flour mill, chemicals, soap, paper cones, etc.

  1. Industrial Estate, Zainakote, Srinagar

The Zainakote industrial estate in Srinagar covers an area of 525.25 kanals. It has 203 plots, out of which 126 are functional and 52 are nonfunctional. The estate has 392.82 kanals under plots and 132.43 kanals under roads and utilities. Zainakote houses various units that include spinning mills, steel industries, food processing units, cotton mills, companies engaged in steel fabrication, metal fabrication, etc.

  1. Industrial Complex, Lassipora, Pulwama, Kashmir

The Industrial Growth Centre at Lassipora in the Pulwama district of Kashmir is another massive industrial estate. It covers a massive area of 6193 kanals and has a total of 117 units. Companies in IGC Lassipora include cotton units, food processing, and packaging.

  1. Industrial Estate IID Govindsar Kathua

Govindsar Kathua is a significant industrial estate in Jammu and Kashmir. The estate is spread across an area of 780 kanals. It is divided into two phases – Phase I and Phase II. Phase I occupies 580 kanals and Phase II covers an area of 200 kanals. The industrial estate has a total of 90 units, out of which 84 are in Phase I and the remaining are in Phase II. Phase I has 32 functional units, while Phase II has three. The number of units in different stages across Phase I and Phase II are 52 and three respectively. Govindsar Kathua’s industries include steel fabrication, fan cooler manufacturing, steel almirah, packaged drinking water and many others.

  1. Industrial Estate, Barzulla, Baramulla

The industrial estate in Barzulla has an area of 102 kanals. It has 67 units. The major industries of the Barzulla industrial estate include food product manufacturing, plastic, and PVC.

  1. Industrial Estate, Vessu, Anantnag

Vessu is another massive industrial area situated in the Anantnag district of Kashmir. It covers a land area of 250 kanals. Industries in Vessu include agro-product manufacturing, and polymer manufacturing.

So, these were ten industrial estates in Jammu and Kashmir. Of course, the region has many more proposed industrial estates, which are yet under consideration and may shape up in the years to come. Together, these industrial areas can help grow Kashmir’s industrial income and contribute to its prosperity.

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