Top 5 Benefits of Kashmiri Walnut

Kashmiri walnut benefits

While being popular for its mountains, valleys, sparkling river water, and spectacular views, Kashmir is also famous for the various food products grown in the region. One of the latter includes walnuts. We’re sure, you must have heard about Kashmiri walnuts. But they aren’t popular only because they are from Kashmir. They pack many health benefits that indicate their significance in a regular diet plan. Let’s look at five of them.

5 Benefits of Eating Kashmir Walnuts

1. High Protein Content

Walnuts contain about four grams of protein per ounce. Proteins are required to rebuild muscles and tissues. Therefore, including the right amount of walnuts in the diet can help provide the body the protein content required for energy and muscle repair. Kashmiri walnuts are grown organically and hence, they are rich in protein content. Consuming them regularly can help supply the body the required amount of protein.

2. Better Intestinal Health

A better gut health is another benefit associated with Kashmiri walnuts. It is because they are a good source of micronutrients and foster good bacteria in your gut. An unhealthy gut can lead to various diseases and cause inflammation. Moreover, it can put the person at the risk of obesity, cancer, heart diseases, etc. Therefore, including the right amount of walnuts in your diet can promote better intestinal health.

3. Enhanced Immunity

Immunity has become more important than ever these days. Walnuts contain antioxidant properties that help increase the body’s immunity. Eating walnuts regularly can help safeguard the body against various cancers and neurological problems. A better immunity refers to a healthy individual, the body of whom is capable of keeping many diseases away. So, you may consider giving yourself the walnut advantage.

4. Weight Loss

Stressful routines, lack of exercise and irregular and unhealthy diet have all led to many turning overweight. A considerable number of them have become obese. Walnuts prove a boon for such people, as they promote weight loss. They are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats and provide a range of nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols and vitamins that increase the appetite control power and keep you full.

5. Hair Growth

While age-related hair loss can be considered natural and normal, it is a bit of a concern for the young ones. But here, walnuts can help. Walnuts contain biotin, which is a nutrient vital to hair growth and strength. So, if you’ve been suffering from hair loss, breakage or inadequate hair growth, you may include walnuts after consultation with your doctor or dermatologist. The right amount of walnuts in your diet may work wonders.

Some other benefits of walnuts include healthy skin, maintaining gastrointestinal regularity (due to the high fiber content), regularized blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and prevention of inflammatory diseases.

Note: While walnuts are healthy for the body, you must consume walnuts or include them in your diet after consultation with your doctor to examine and determine their suitability in your case.

We hope this helped you understand the benefits of walnuts and the potential significance of including them in your diet. So, if you plan to visit Kashmir, you may want to go to the local market and ask for Kashmiri walnuts!

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